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Agensi Pekerjaan Multi-Kop Sdn.Bhd.


The company principal activities are to provide quality manpower for varies industry. Others than supplying manpower for, our director also specializes in piping, mechanical, civil & ironworks. Agensi Pekerjaan Multi-Kop Sdn. Bhd. was registered in year 2014 and our team has extensive experience in dealing with numerous projects ever since we started in 2010. through all the projects that we have completed in the past years, we are slowly building our reputation in the industry. We have knowledgeable, experienced and dynamic team who strive to do their best in order to achieve our objectives.


Agensi Pekerjaan Multi-Kop Sdn. Bhd. is commited to ensure that we are always meeting out customer requiments without compressing on the quality of work that we are producing. We aims to provide best quality manpower to suit our customer’s need by putting the right number and right kind of people the right time, right place and doing the ring things. We also aims to be one of the best and trustworthy companies in the industry. 


Please do not hesitate to connect us should you require further information or queries about any of our services. We would be more happy and well as to provide reasonable quotation for your projects. All quotationg are subjected to our standard terms and conditions. 


Agensi Pekerjaan Multi-Kop Sdn. Bhd. is specialized in the provision of management and consultany services for foreign local works such like ;

our services :

Manage work permit endorsements, renewals, cancellations and other immigration matters

Supply skilled and general labour from both local and and foreign sources.

Implement effective and preventative strategies for workers discipline management

Administer insurance provision, coverage and claim such as Insurance Guarantee (IG), Foreign Workers Compensation Scheme (FWCS) and Foreign Workers Hospitalization & Surgical (FWHS)

Handle visa application and immigration matters for expatriate and professional hiring.

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